What is Ping Submission?
Ping submission is a process that notifies search engines and other web services about updates made to your website or blog. It sends a ping notification to these services, letting them know that new content has been published or existing content has been updated.
Fast-crawled and indexed sites will rank fast in Search Engines.
Today in this post, I will guide you step by step all about:-
- What is Ping Submission in Seo?
- Why Ping submission is Important?
- Benefits of ping Submission Sites and many more.
Just Stay tuned with this post till the end.
Ping Submission in WordPress Site
In WordPress, ping submission is an automatic feature that notifies various search engines and web services whenever you publish or update a post. This feature is enabled by default in WordPress, allowing your website to be indexed faster and ensuring that your content is visible to a wider audience.
Advantages of Ping Submission
There are several advantages to using ping submission for your website:
- Fast Indexing: Ping submission helps search engines discover and index new content quickly, ensuring that it appears in search results faster.
- Increased Visibility: By notifying search engines about your updates, ping submission increases the chances of your website appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs) and reaching a larger audience.
- Improved SEO: Ping submission can help improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by ensuring that your content is regularly crawled and indexed by search engines.
- Time and Effort Saving: Ping submission automates the process of notifying search engines about your updates, saving you time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually submitting your website.
How to Index New Websites Fast In Search Engines?
When you launch a new website, one of the primary goals is to get it indexed by search engines as quickly as possible. The faster your website is indexed, the sooner it will start appearing in search engine results and attracting organic traffic. In this blog post, we will discuss some effective strategies to index new websites fast in search engines.
1. Submit your website to search engines
The first step to getting your website indexed is to submit it to search engines. Most search engines provide a submission form where you can submit the URL of your website. Here are the submission pages for some popular search engines:
- Google: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url
- Bing: https://www.bing.com/webmaster/SubmitSitePage.aspx
- Yahoo: https://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html
2. Create a sitemap
A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website and helps search engines understand its structure. By creating and submitting a sitemap, you can ensure that search engines crawl and index all the pages on your website. There are various tools available to generate sitemaps, such as XML-Sitemaps.com and Yoast SEO plugins for WordPress.
3. Use internal linking
Internal linking is the practice of linking one page of your website to another page on the same website. By strategically placing internal links, you can guide search engine crawlers to discover and index new pages on your website. Make sure to use descriptive anchor text for your internal links to provide context to search engines.
4. Share your website on social media
Social media platforms are a great way to promote your new website and attract attention from search engines. Share your website URL on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Encourage your friends, followers, and connections to visit and share your website. The more exposure your website gets, the higher the chances of it getting indexed quickly.
5. Submit your website to ping submission sites
Ping submission sites are services that notify search engines and other online directories about updates to your website. By submitting your website URL to these sites, you can expedite the indexing process. Here are some popular ping submission sites:
Some Popular Ping Submission Sites
On the Internet, you will find lots of ping Submission sites but only a few of them are genuine which works great.
Here I am sharing with you some of the Popular Ping Submission Sites:-
1. PingMyUrls

pingmyurls.com is a free tool that helps in fast indexing your latest blog post in Google Search Engine Result Pages. The main advantage of Pingmyurl is if your site server is from India then, it will give preference to your blog first as compared to others.
With Ping My URLs you can also ping your latest article on Social media platforms and this also creates a backlink for your blog.
2. Pingler

www.pingler.com is one of the best tools for pinging your site to different search engines because it allows you to ping your latest article according to its category. This will help in ranking your post for the targeted keyword fast.
Pingler is a paid tool but you can use it for free too. The Free tool allows you to ping 6 articles in a day.
3. Pingomatic

Pingomatic is also a perfect tool for ping your article in different search engines. It also allows you to provide a title box on which you want to link your article.
This is a good feature of pingomatic through which you can target a particular post on relevant keywords also. It also provides some extra specialized services for pinging.
In Pingomatic you can also insert your RSS feed URL.
4. PingFarm

PingFarm.com is also a good tool for ping submission. Here you can submit your latest post according to targeted keywords. First, you have to enter the main keyword/title of your blog then enter the URL of your latest post, and finally, ping your URL to all major search engines.
5. Feed Shark

Feedshark.brainbliss.com is also one of the best tools for ping submission. Here you can enter your post title, and description with your URL. This will bring your post fast Google search results. It allows you to submit your blog URL in many ping services at one time.
How to Add or Update Ping Submission Sites List in WordPress Blog
If you have a WordPress blog, you can easily add or update the ping submission sites list. Follow these steps:
- Login to your WordPress dashboard.
- Go to “Settings” and click on “Writing”.
- Scroll down to the “Update Services” section.
- Copy and paste the ping submission sites URLs into the text box, each on a new line.
- Click on the “Save Changes” button to update the list.
Ping submission is a technique used to notify search engines and other online services about updates on your website or blog. By pinging these services, you can ensure that your new content gets indexed quickly, leading to better visibility and improved search engine rankings.
Also Read: What is Technical SEO and How to Implement it Free
Top 50 Ping Submission Sites List
Here is a list of the top 50 ping submission sites that you can use to notify search engines about your website updates:
http://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/ |
http://blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2 |
http://1470.net/api/ping |
http://api.feedster.com/ping |
http://api.moreover.com/RPC2 |
http://api.moreover.com/ping |
http://api.my.yahoo.com/RPC2 |
http://api.my.yahoo.com/rss/ping |
http://bblog.com/ping.php |
http://bitacoras.net/ping |
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/XMLRPC |
http://blogdb.jp/xmlrpc |
http://blogmatcher.com/u.php |
http://bulkfeeds.net/rpc |
http://coreblog.org/ping/ |
http://mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatt |
http://www.lasermemory.com/lsrpc/ |
http://ping.amagle.com/ |
http://ping.bitacoras.com |
http://ping.blo.gs/ |
http://ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/ |
http://ping.cocolog-nifty.com/xmlrpc |
http://ping.blogmura.jp/rpc/ |
http://ping.exblog.jp/xmlrpc |
http://ping.feedburner.com |
http://ping.myblog.jp |
http://ping.rootblog.com/rpc.php |
http://ping.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.php |
http://ping.weblogalot.com/rpc.php |
http://ping.weblogs.se/ |
http://pingoat.com/goat/RPC2 |
http://rcs.datashed.net/RPC2/ |
http://rpc.blogbuzzmachine.com/RPC2 |
http://rpc.blogrolling.com/pinger/ |
http://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/ |
http://rpc.newsgator.com/ |
http://rpc.pingomatic.com |
http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping |
http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2 |
http://topicexchange.com/RPC2 |
http://trackback.bakeinu.jp/bakeping.php |
http://www.a2b.cc/setloc/bp.a2b |
http://www.bitacoles.net/ping.php |
http://www.blogdigger.com/RPC2 |
http://www.blogoole.com/ping/ |
http://www.blogoon.net/ping/ |
http://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/web… |
http://www.blogroots.com/tb_populi.bl… |
http://www.blogshares.com/rpc.php |
http://www.blogsnow.com/ping |
http://www.blogstreet.com/xrbin/xmlrp… |
http://www.mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blo… |
http://www.newsisfree.com/RPCCloud |
http://www.newsisfree.com/xmlrpctest.php |
http://www.popdex.com/addsite.php |
http://www.snipsnap.org/RPC2 |
http://www.weblogues.com/RPC/ |
http://xmlrpc.blogg.de |
http://xping.pubsub.com/ping/ |
http://rpc.copygator.com/ping/ |
You can do a ping Submission of your latest blog on any of the above-given ping submission sites.
FAQs For Ping Submission Sites List
What are ping submission sites?
Ping submission sites are services that notify search engines and online directories about updates to your website.
How do ping submission sites help in indexing new websites?
Ping submission sites expedite the indexing process by notifying search engines about updates to your website.
Are ping submission sites effective for indexing new websites?
While ping submission sites can help in getting your website indexed faster, they are not the only factor. It’s important to follow other SEO best practices as well.
Is Ping submission Still working?
Yes, Ping submission sites still help you with fast indexing.
How Often do we ping our New Blog Post?
Whenever you publish a new blog post. Just ping it once to ping submission sites.
Conclusion on Ping Submission Sites List
Getting your new website indexed by search engines quickly is crucial for attracting organic traffic. By following the strategies mentioned in this blog post, such as submitting your website to search engines, creating a sitemap, using internal linking, sharing on social media, and leveraging ping submission sites, you can increase the chances of your website getting indexed fast. Remember to regularly update your ping submission sites list to ensure effective indexing.